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NEWS31 Mar 2017Meet the researchers

Dikhi Firmansyah, Indonesia


I came to Poland in July 2011 to work as a Marie Curie early stage researcher at the Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology. My stay was funded by Initial Training Networks (ITN) under the TOPBIO (TwO Photon absorbers for BIOmedical applications) project.

My family were following me to come to Poland after six months of my living in Warsaw. We really enjoyed living there. My entire stay in Warsaw was going well, my colleagues and friends at the University were helping me with different issues such as health insurance, tax number, and residence card. Only towards the end of my contract we realized that it was supposed to be prolonged but it would have been difficult to prolong my residence card. That was when I met Monika from EURAXESS Centre in Warsaw, and she helped me a lot and also discussed it with many related persons at the University, which made my departure back to Indonesia smooth. I cannot imagine how it would have been without the support from the groups and friends. My biggest gratitude to all of you.